Today I had to bring my husband and son to the old theater. As I had to wait some two hours I needed to find a parking spot. This is terrible in the city so driving around not wanting to be so far from the theater was not so successful and I ended up parking on the other side of the Danube river, just below the old bridge.
The parking was spacious and promised me a wonderful walk along the river. I started looking on the old city side and screened the UFO bridge, the Bratislava Castle, the St. Martin Church, the old bridge and the new Apollo Bridge. As I trot along the riverbank, a different kind of children's playground welcomed me. Very colorful, it even offers a kind of hanging line for children. They hold a rope and it lets them end up using their own weight to the other side and back. I was so happy to find this and bring the good news to Adrian that I would be bringing him here soon during summer.
Then a boat hotel was just parked and loudly presenting itself in its way by being orange. How could it escape me as my favorite color is orange. As people walk their children or dogs, or just on their inline skates or bicycles, I couldn't help admiring this park so clean and silent. Until I reached Aucafe, ostentibly expensive but after checking their webpage it is after all not. One can sit on their terrace to admire a view on the castle and the old city charm, the river flowing before it.
Higher up is the Leberfinger restaurant, a name in itself serving excellent Schnitzel. We ate here after the theater but only after driving some 20 minutes to find it because getting there could be quite scientific with a car. Walking could have been easier for us. I ordered the Carpaccio which was chewy and not cold enough. I gave myself assurance that my grilled spareribs would be better. Well, I envy my husband who always orders perfectly. Meaning, his food is always the better one than mine. In short try to order the restaurants famous for and you'd never go wrong. They have, by the way, a children's corner at the cellar, offering white board in which our Adrian took time to draw all his imaginative airplanes and rockets.
On this side of the river I conclude it with crossing the Novy Most (New Bridge), formerly called the SNP Bridge, symbolizing the Slovak National Uprising. On top of the bridge is the flying-saucer shaped structure, thus, UFO. It has a cafe and offers such wonderful views over the city. Today, however, was cloudy and it was not good to go on top with such weather.
As I reach, the other side of the river, there was no other way to get back to my car than walking further and crossing the old bridge. The old bridge is now only used by passenger buses. But a platform is there for pedestrians. I did get dizzy looking below at the running river.
So as far as getting lost, not technically, but it was just nice to end up somewhere and discover lots of things due to it. If I never got lost, I wouldn't have experienced this part of the river.
Happy getting lost!
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